Monday, July 16, 2007

Braidat altamr wal aljoz(Dates and Walnut Quick Bread)

Recipe by:zainab

Becke from Colombus Foddie has unveiled the new theme for breadbakingday #02 - bread with fruit. More information about how to participate, deadline etc. you'll find here.

1 cup white flour.
3\4 teaspoon baking powder.
1\4 teaspoon baking soda.
1\2 teaspoon ground cardamom.
3\4 cup dried dates.
1\3 cup hot water.
1\2 cup butter.
1\2 cup brown sugar.
1 teaspoon vanilla.
4 eggs.
1 teaspoon salt.
1 cup Chopped walnut.
1/2 cup fresh dates, chopped. (Optional)
1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds.

1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2) In a small bowel mix together:1\3 cup hot boiling water + 3\4 cup dried dates. (let it cool before use it).

3)In the bowl of an electric mixer cream together butter and sugars for 2 minutes. Add eggs mixing well, Reduce speed to low and add dates mix, dry ingredients, vanilla, fresh dates and Chopped walnut; mix until well combined.

4) Pour the batter into the prepared (9 inch pan), and smooth the top. Sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds.


Unknown said... 1

Now this is an inspiring recipe! I have all sorts of cupcake ideas from this! Thanks so much!!!

Arabic Bites said... 2

thank you for your comment.

Anonymous said... 3

thanks for your wonderful blog! looking forward to see more delightful recipies!

Arabic Bites said... 4

Thank you Kaouther for your comment.

umita said... 5

Hi! your recipes are really delicious! congratulations i´m eager to try one!
Please could you tell me how much 1 cup is in grams!? it would help a lot. Thanx!

Arabic Bites said... 6

Hello umita,
Thank you for your comment.
you can use this link to Convert Cooking Units Instantly.
I hope that help.If you still have questions feel free to ask me.

Anonymous said... 7

I love you pics!

Arabic Bites said... 8

Thank you zorra,
you should try making them!


TresNatural said... 9

I just made this and it is absolutely delicious! Very sweet from the dates. I added a little bit of cinnamon for an extra kick too. Thanks!

Arabic Bites said... 10

Glad that the recipe work well for you :)
Keep visiting.

zainab :)

Naila said... 11

hi..uhmm wats the difference between fresh dates n dried dates?? we got only packed dates here :(
wud that be fine to use? to boil with water?

Naila said... 12

Also about how much gram is 3/4 cup dried dates?

Arabic Bites said... 13

Fresh dates as shown in the picture & it's optional.
Dried dates:dried over ripped fresh dates.
& yes the recipe call for dried dates.
3/4 cup dried dates i think = 171 grams
Hope this help.

zainab :D

rajjesh said... 14

h'llo arabic bites.

i'am rajj from india you've got a superb seem to be super cook.i'am a chef myself and will be creating my blog shortly.and i'am surely goin to try your receipes.iam sure they are gonna be good.

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