1 Tablespoon yeast.
1 Tablespoon honey or sugar .
2 1\2 cup warm water.
3 cups white flour.
1 1\2 cups whole wheat flour.
2 teaspoon salt.
2 Tablespoons olive oil.
1 Tablespoon honey or sugar .
2 1\2 cup warm water.
3 cups white flour.
1 1\2 cups whole wheat flour.
2 teaspoon salt.
2 Tablespoons olive oil.
1)Preheat the oven to 550 degrees.
2)Combine yeast,honey and 1\2 cup water in bowl,cover,stand in warm place about 10 minutes or until mixture is frothy.
3)place all ingredients + yeast mixture in the bowl of mixer ,beat 10 minutes to make a soft dough.
5)Shape each piece into a ball .cover,let rise in warm place until doubled in size ,about 1 hour.
6)Roll each to a 16 cm round.
7)The old method i bake Pita Bread on hot baking surface for 1 minute per side.

8)The new method I bake pita bread on wire rack over baking pan for 2-3 minutes.you can see it here.
Very nice and enticing
As-salam-alaikum Zainab and Hameeda, Oh! I love your blog.. Was browsing the net for some food blogs and came across yours, and am glad i found your blog, You are an amazing baker! :-) And the pictures of the recipes you post are Fab! :-) I can go on and on.. Well, i have added you to my blogroll, Thanks for sharing all these Arabic recipes, and.. Ramadhan Mubarak !
Hi lyrically speaking,
Thank you ,you should try making them!
Hello mona,
Thank you so much ,I'am glad that you love our blog ,and I will be more than happy to add your blog to my favorites food site too.
What a beautiful blog I love all your recipes and the ingredients you use. Lovely pictures, I have added your link to my blog straight away. I love Arabic food! Feel free to visit my blog too. :)
Jeena xx
Click here for Food Recipes
Wow, pita bread from scratch...now that's something...thanks for the recipe! They look so delicious I can just eat them plain! :)
Hi zainab, I can't wait to try your whole wheat recipe! I love making our own pitas. There simply is no comparison.
Hi jeena,
Thank you for your comment,I visited your blog and I love it,and I will add it to my favorites food site soon.
Hi rasa malaysia,
Thank you for stopping by.
Hello blue zebra,
If you try it do not forget to tell me what you think?
I agree with you nothing better than making your own pita.
Hi, this is my first time here and it feels like as though I've struck gold with your blog! :) My hubby and I love Arabian dishes, and you have so many recipes...fabulous..thanks!!!
Hi namratha,
Welcome & thank you for the nice comment.
Hello! Thankx so much for the recipes they are great!
But I was wondering if you have any tips on how to get the pita's puffy? I seem to have a problem with getting them to be puffy like your photos show.
you are welcome.
about pita puffs.
* make sure to preheat the oven with your baking surface (stone or baking pan ) 1 hour before baking.
I hope this work will for you.
hi is there a way to make pita on a flat pan not in oven i mean i dnt hav oven i hav microwave
and belive me ur blog is awesome no words pics suberb
Hi nadia,
Thank you for the nice comment,I did not try to make pita in microwave,you can cook it flat pan on the stove top,but you will not get the same results.
I hope that help.
I made this wonderful Pita bread few times now and ended up adding much more flour then described since the dough had a consistency of porridge. Any idea what I may be doing wrong?
Depends on the type of flour you used
If you use white flour try to reduce the amount of liquids.
else if you use the whole wheat like in the recipe the dough consistency will be fine,even when you use the white flour.
I made this with Gold Medal white and wheat and halved the recipe-for 1/2 tablespoon, I just used one 1/4 oz packet yeast.
The dough was very sticky-kneaded it with the Kitchen Aide dough hook.
Kept adding by 1/4 cup white then wheat flour.
I had 8 rolls from the dough.
I then dusted with flour what I put them on to rise.
I used a 550 degree oven with a cast iron griddle-long one-actually Bobby Flay's-on the bottom most rack.
The first two rolls made only some poofs on top of the dough-I used a spatula to turn to cook other side and it it just browned.
Tasted VERY GOOD, looked like soft flat bread or something.
I then halved each risen dough and since I left the racks in the over while preheating, I lowered one over the griddle. That one poofed perfectly, even though I had to stretch the dough so it would not fall through the rungs of the rack. When I let one hang off the rung, it did not poof very well and part was like the first two rolls.
I then used a cookie cooling rack that had squares instead of rungs which kept the dough from falling through. It poofed, even when they took on a triangular shape.
If your dough tore, it won't poof-it will just kinda stick where it tore.
Before rolling out the dough I dusted it with flour first.
Also, some still did not poof, so I checked the oven-it had gone down to 514 degrees-so I let it heat up to 550 and then threw in the last two and perfect poof.
Very good dough and pita despite all my mishaps!
hey salmz ...
i guess this ramadan u were my gift frm ALLAH i mean he presented me ur website n mus say u impressed me a lottt all i can say is jazakallah khair ....and ramdan kareem
adila mohd
im feeling hungry now..
I knew your blog by stating a Brazilian friend of Dubai and I fell in love.
Long ago I was searching for various recipes that you published and I am grateful for sharing with us.
I put a link to your blog to the Brazilians know.
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