Saturday, December 15, 2007

Fatayer cremate al joben (delicious cream cheese Fatayer)

Recipe by:zainab

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Left to Right:cream cheese fatayer,mini pizza,Feta Cheese +spinach ftayer.

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2 1/3 cups flour, unbleached, whole wheat, or a mixture of the two.
1 cup warm water.
1\4 cup oil.
1 Tablespoon sugar.
1 1/2 Tablespoons yeast.
1 teaspoon salt.
1/2 cup warm milk.
3 Tablespoons oat flour.

cream cheese filling:
125 g light cream cheese.
1 1/2 cups low fat Yogurt.
1 egg. 1/2 cup cheddar cheese, shredded.
Pinch of black pepper & salt.
* For filling: combine all ingredients in bowl; mix well.

1)Place all ingredients in the bowl of mixer ,beat 10 minutes to make a soft dough.

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2) Cover and let rise for 10 minutes.

3) Divide dough into 32 pieces. Roll each to a 9 cm round.

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4) Fill each with 1-2Tablespoons of cream cheese filling.

5) Place Fatayer onto oven trays.

6) Bake at 375 F about 20 minutes or until browned.


Ahmed Al-Sabbagh said... 1


مدونة جميلة اوى

ومغذية كمان هههه

بجد اول مرة ازور مدونة بالجمال ده

انا هخلى اختى تزور هنا عشان تتعلم

كل سنة وانتم طيبين


Arabic Bites said... 2

مشكور أخوي أحمد
ينعاد علينا وعليك بالخير

burekaboy — said... 3

gorgeous as always :))

Allens Hill Farm said... 4

I think I'm in heaven, I've been looking for a source of authentic recipes forever.

شكرا جزيلا!

דורית said... 5

Everything looks so perfectly wonderful!
If it is ok with you - I would like to add you to my blog list.
But would like your permission first...
Thanks you and Shalom, Salam

Arabic Bites said... 6

Thank you.

allens hill farm,
what a nice compliment. Thank you!

Be my guest..I don't mind at all.
Thank you for stopping by.


Rasha said... 7

I must have done something wrong, because my dough turned out waaaay too sticky, even after adding more flour. It was impossible to shape the dough into individual little balls. And my yogurt-cheese mixture turned out too runny.

Arabic Bites said... 8

Hi rasha,
you need to Follow the measurements exactly for both dough & filling,
In fact Oat flour absorbs water and make the dough very soft,but it may
depends on the type of flour you use, because we try all our recipes many time before we post them.
see the video the dough is very soft & the yogurt-cheese mixture not too runny.
feel free to ask if you have any question.
Good luck.


*AmOora* said... 9

Hi I love this recipe and thanks so much for showing me how to make it... I was wondering, I dont have any flour oat, is it possible i can do it without it??


*AmOora* said... 10


Thanksss So Much.... I love This Recipe Omg.. you all are so Great... Im telling Alot FRiends About this Web site Please Keep Up with the REcipess THANK YOU!!!

Arabic Bites said... 11

you're so welcome,& thank you for the nice comments.
about your question you can replace oat flour with white or whole wheat flour.
I hope this help you.

zainab :)

Anonymous said... 12

quel superbe blog avec de splendides recettes! bises micky

Arabic Bites said... 13

Je vous remercie ;)

The translate for the French comment:

What wonderful blog with wonderful recipes! Micky kisses

Thank you.

zainab :)

Unknown said... 14

i can't wait to try the dough recipe! i have a silly question, though-- how do you make the cheese fatayer into the boat shape?

Unknown said... 15

ohh i tried it today it turn out great i just have one question after ibaked them i felt it is alittle bit dry i used bread flour but i had to add more of it because the dough was alittle bit stiky i didnt used oat flour after all it was great and my family loved it thank u for this great job u doing may allah bless u

Unknown said... 16

I am in love with you pictures.

I am making the fatayer now. But the dough turned to be sticky. So added more flour but the same problem.

Even though, I used the standard measuring cups, spoon and jag.

Could you show us the cups, spoon you use for measuring?

tslem edich :)

Arabic Bites said... 17

Flat each ball into oval shapes on a floured surface. Place the filling on the dough and leave about 1cm on either side for the crust. Fold the dough in on either side,see the photo here

Next time when you make it don't add too much flour,just enough to make soft dough...
& to avoid getting dry fatayer don't make it too thin,try to make it a bit thicker.
and make sure not bake it too much....
Hope this help...

as I said to sara add just enough flour to make soft dough....
what type of flour did you used?? sometimes it may depends on the type of flour you use....
I'll make sure to add photo of my measuring cups soon...but even if you use any cups you have it will work....

Unknown said... 18

Thanks Arabic Bites,
Actually, it turned to be the most successful Fatayer I have ever made. and the cheese was awesome.

I used All purpose flour for it, but I still want to see ur measuring cups!

Unknown said... 19

could you pls write the egg fatayer recipie too and like some one said could you pleae show the measuring cup and any oat flour packet

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