Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Eid Al Adha

To all dear readers and fellow blogger who celebrate Eid Al Adha....Happy Eid...
May Allah bless you.... and may you have a joyous Eid celebration...
We hope all the pilgrims return safely to their homes....

And to the rest who celebrated Thanksgiving .... I hope you had a blessed and happy one...


chow and chatter said... 1

happy Eid

Sudeshna said... 2

Wish you had a happy eid with your family.

nursen said... 3

thanks happy eid too

Rosa's Yummy Yums said... 4

Eid Mubarak, dear!



Anonymous said... 5

Kul 3am wa antoum bekhayr!

mona said... 6

Eid Mubarak to you and your family!

Cynthia said... 7

Thank you and the same to you both!

Nammi said... 8

Eid mubarak to you too.

Soma said... 9

Happy Eid to you too Zainab and your family!

mama ani said... 10

Eid Mubarak to you and family.

CAHİDE said... 11

Eid Mubarak to you and your family!

Shah cooks said... 12

Sorry, belated Eid mubarak to you and ur family!I wanted to wish every body in time but got busy.:)

Diana Bauman said... 13

Happy Eid Zainab! So sorry I was late here :)

Rosa's Yummy Yums said... 14

Best wishes for 2010!



Chef Jeena said... 15

Happy New Year and all the best for 2010!

leyya said... 16

hi friend.lm glad too mett you.its very nice blog.

Anonymous said... 17

Pretty cool place you've got here. Thanks for it. I like such themes and anything connected to them. I definitely want to read more soon.

Cherine said... 18

Love your blog!!

Bubu said... 19


Hello Friend, I love love love your blog, it‘s very interesting!!! I really like your style!! i‘ll visit you many times for sure honey.


Kristi Maloney said... 20

Eid Mubarak to you and family. I am a new follower visiting from Moms Own Words.

Sabrine d'Aubergine said... 21

Curious about cooking from all over the world, I'm happy I've found this blog...

Shabs.. said... 22

hey zainab, whats up ?it's sometime that u've blogged.....i have put u in my blogroll:)check it out...

Anonymous said... 23

I miss your blog I use to read it everyday, I wish you would come back and share your delicious food with us. Ammal.

healthy meals said... 24

I found your site. but i look you don't update after 2009. i really love arabic food. thanks

Dori said... 25

I hope you are both doing well, I miss your updates and hope to see you back soon!

Arabic Bites said... 26

Hi meeso,
We are both doing well...thank you so much for asking..
it's been a while .... I hope soon we can find the time to update the blog ..

zainab :)

Anonymous said... 27

Eid Mubarak<3

Hanaâ said... 28

Eid Mubarak wa kulu aam wa antum bi kheir.
Sorry to hear about your photos being stolen. I still can't believe people would do that. I have to remember to start putting a watermark in mine.

Anonymous said... 29

Hi, my name is Allen I am 10 years old I am from Tucson Arizona. I was wondering if you could visit my blog. It is

Peggy said... 30

Hope you had a happy holiday as well!

Peggy said... 31

Hope you had a Happy Eid!

Soma said... 32

Happy New Year Zainab. I hope you are doing well. It has been a very very long time since we have heard from u!

Makkelijk afvallen said... 33

Thanks for this read. Well, this is my first visit to your blog! But I admire the precious time and effort you put into it, especially into interesting articles you share here!

Indu said... 34

Request you to continue blogging! You have put so many wonderful recipes on this site, it would be a loss for your readers if you do not continue!

Grandma Bonnie said... 35

Eid Mubarak to you and your family. I have just found your blog while looking for a recipe for our Eid dinner.

Anonymous said... 36

are u guys gonna come back???

Elizabeth Tussey said... 37

This is the best recipe blog I've ever found. Anything I've cooke from here has come out amazing! I hope you guys come back soon!!

Anonymous said... 38

salam aaleykum sister, I really liked your blog few years ago and I am still amazed now when I look at the yummy recipes, I want to try everything! I love the photos and you describes the recipes so well. Thanks for all the sharing. May Allah reward you. Hope I will hear from you very soon. Dont leave this blog. Make it alive again, it is a treasure.

Abner Nancy said... 39

nic blog i like it

Miracle said... 40

Hi. I recently came across your blog, and would like your permission to share some recipes on my blog.
I would give you full credit, and link back to your blog. I tried to send you an email, but it kept telling me that the delivery had failed. You can contact me at If I have not recieved an answer, withing 1 month, I will post the recipes, and link back to your blog. Thank you

Arabic Bites said... 41


Yes,sure you can use any recipes you want as long as you give credit.

Zainab :)

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